>>> Lynn Farquhar <> 08/21/02 01:43PM >>>
>Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 13:36:57 -0400
>To: Tom Fransen <Tom.Fransen@ncmail.net>
>From: Lynn Farquhar <>
>Subject: Re: High Rock Lake
>In-Reply-To: <3D63AC5E.AC129031@ncmail.net>
>References: <>
>At 11:06 AM 8/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>The copy of the e-mail I sent you has the only documentation I have.
Steve Reed on
>>our staff had a conversation with Gene Ellis and he documented the
highlights of
>>that conversation in the e-mail. We never had anything from Alcoa that
was written
>>in either electronic or written form about the Denton issue.
>>As far as the operator error this past weekend goes, Gene did appear
>>surprised and as concerned as I was the low lake level Monday morning.
I'm working
>>with Gene to find a better and more reliable way for us to get the data
>>depending solely on Alcoa's website.
>>> Thank you for the information.  When I spoke with you on Thursday morning,
>>> I was asking for a copy of the e-mail between DENR and Alcoa that
>>> transpired before that time.  I appreciate the one you sent me dated
>>> Friday, however, I would still like to have the one that preceeded the
>>> Friday e-mail.
>>> In respects to the Friday e-mail....
>>> I would like to take a moment to address the 3 items in the e-mail dated
>>> Friday , 09 Aug 2002.
>>> Based on information I have received, as listed in the FERC documents,
>>> water depth at the turbine inlets at HRL is 55'.  At Badin it's 175'.
>>> Based on todays
>>> feet below full pond, High Rock is down 35% and Badin is down 5%.  To
>>> achieve the "more proportionally", lets meet in the middle, High Rock up,
>>> Badin down.
>>> 2.  It's also a matter of water movement through the Yadkin lakes
system so
>>> that the release can be made downstream to CP&L.
>>> Based upon Alcoa's own attorneys letters ( which you have copies) they
>>> agreed to retain all inflow into HRL unless there was climatic or
>>> environmental impacts, pulling downstream requirements from the other
>>> At 17' we had no climatic or environmental impacts.
>>> What happened?
>>> 3.  The Town of Denton withdraws water just downstream of the HRL
>>> powerhouse and w/extremely low flows and no generation the water in the
>>> vicinity of Denton's intake is stagnant and creates water supply problems.
>>> I am aware your office has received calls on this one.
>>> Several people called the City of Denton and were told they were not
>>> water problems.  However, even if they were, there was stream flow going
>>> through the dam which would have not allowed the stagnant water.
>>> Based on the Yadkin-APGI figures, between the dates of
>>> July 29 and August 15 HRL stayed between 17.18 and 17.78. During this time
>>> we had tremendous rainfall, at our location and in the watershed areas
>>> above us.  This means the dam was open and stream flow was being taken or
>>> they could not have maintained the range mentioned above. Stream flow
>>> have removed any stagnant water around the Denton water intakes.
>>> The only time the dam was closed is when the lake rose from 24' to 17'.
>>> The rest of the time stream flow was being taken.
>>> Tom, you need to watch this company. Not just question them on what they
>>> are doing, you need to investigate their statements.  I know you are short
>>> handed during a severe drought, however, HRL has a problem and needs your
>>> help. Would it help you to have a task force of pubic citizens at the
>>> level?
>>> The statement in your e-mail about "operator error" is very hard for me to
>>> believe.  During a period of "operator error" we lost approximately 2.5
>>> feet of water.  Now, to correct their error they are only bringing it back
>>> up to "around 18.5".  We want the other 1.5' based on their attornies
>>> Viewing the Yadkin-APGI website today, the water level at HRL is 19.52.
>>> is come up since yesterday only .18 ( I suppose this has occured due to
>>> your conversations with them.  Keep it coming! ( You will notice on their
>>> web page it still says F(alling).
>>> During converstions with Gene Ellis,(since the new drawn down started )
>>> with a High Rock Lake Association officer, he was told HRL was going down
>>> to 20' and Badin 18'.  It looks like Gene knew about the "operator error"
>>> when he had this conversation.
>>> Tom, we appreciate the work you are doing, even under a stressful time for
>>> the department.  Let us know if we can go anything to help you.
>>> Stephany Farquhar
>If Alcoa lived up the their letter dated July 22nd to
>Margali E. Salas ( FERC) you would not have to rely on their web site or
any other system to monitor that Alcoa was not pulling water.  I quote as
>"Because of deteriorating environmental conditions on High Rock Reservoir,
evidenced by recent fish kills, and generation difficulties because of low
water at High Rock Dam, APGI hereby respectfully request that it be granted
a temporary emergency license variance through September 15, 2002 to be
able to draw down Narrows Reservoir in its discretion, to as much as 31
feet down before resuming draw downs from High Rock
>Reservoir.  Granting this request should minimize environmental damage
because of the greater average depth of Narrows Reservoir and enhance the
companies ability to provide electric power at the project for a longer
>(There is a copy of this document in your offices as we faxed a copy to
John Morris).
>Have you or can you ask Alcoa why they are not honoring their own variance
request, especially, when the town of Denton is complaining about the
quality of water from High Rock. (the comment about Denton is based on your
email to me this morning).
>Had Alcoa honored their own statements we would be at a much higher level
than even 17'. 
>At 17' down the wildlife was starting to return
>(ducks, geese and even lake bugs).  Abbotts creek could be used for
fishing and boats could still launch to use the reservoir.