Alcoa Power Generating Inc. (APGI) is the licensee for
the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project. The
Yadkin Project is currently licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) as Project No. 2197. This
license expires in 2008 and APGI must file a new license application with FERC
on or before
The Yadkin Project
consists of four reservoirs, dams, and powerhouses (High Rock, Tuckertown,
The following objectives were identified for the study.
To generally characterize the aesthetic character of the Project area
To specifically characterize the aesthetic character of Project
facilities and operations
To evaluate the effect of existing and alternative Project facilities
and operations on aesthetics in the Project area
geographic scope of this study includes the area within the viewshed of the four
Project reservoirs and other Project facilities.
Conduct General Visual Assessment
ERM will collect and photo-document the general visual character of the Project area, including the following items:
· Describe the Project area’s visual character, including landscape features (e.g., geology, forest cover) and cultural features (land cover, built features).
· Determine the Project viewshed based on topographic maps and field visits.
Identify key viewpoints/viewsheds of the Project reservoirs and
facilities, including views from representative public access points including
recreation areas, roads (including nearby scenic highways) and other public
vantage points in the Project area. Such
points might include state designated scenic roads, bridge crossings, road
overlooks, trails, and
Each of these key viewpoints will be evaluated in terms of:
- landscape features/visual character,
- primary viewer group (e.g., recreational users, homeowners, motorists),
- the frequency of viewing, and
- viewing distance of Project facilities (e.g., foreground, middleground, and
· Describe the aesthetic character of existing Project facilities and existing operations.
ERM will use photographic documentation at each of the key viewpoints to record
the visual conditions during different seasons and reservoir water levels.
Evaluate the compatibility of existing Project facilities and
operations with the existing landscape and adjoining land uses.
This analysis will include consideration of the Project area’s scenic
integrity and inherent scenic attractiveness similar to the analyses proposed
for the
· Evaluate the effects of alternative Project facilities and operations with the adjoining landscape and land uses. This analysis will again include consideration of the Project area’s scenic integrity and inherent scenic attractiveness and will be compared to the existing condition (e.g., will the proposed alternatives improve or degrade the aesthetics of the Project area). Common metrics will be developed to facilitate comparison among alternatives (e.g., average water level elevation, or the number of days water levels are below a certain threshold).
· Evaluate responses to questions on the Recreation Use Assessment survey regarding recreation user’s perceptions of the aesthetic quality of the Project. These responses can be sorted by season and by water level to determine the effect of these variables on Project area aesthetics.
Unlike the
Draft Aesthetic Study Report and IAG Meetings
will prepare a Draft Study Report. The
Draft Study Report will be provided to APGI, the IAG, and other interested
stakeholders for review and comment. ERM
will attend two meetings with the IAG to discuss the study results and review
the draft study report.
Final Aesthetic Study Report
ERM will address APGI, the
IAG, and other reviewer’s comments on the Draft Study Report and prepare a
Final Study Report.
Proposed Project Schedule
This study is expected to require approximately 15 months to complete the preliminary draft report (approximately 12 months of fieldwork and 3 months of analysis and report preparation).