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For Immediate Release, page one of two, 9/26/03


APGI-Yadkin Submits Variance Request To FERC For Narrows December Drawdown


BADIN , NC , SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 – In order to complete aquatic habitat studies as part of its relicensing process, Alcoa Power Generating Inc. - Yadkin Division (APGI-Yadkin) has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for a variance to its license to drawdown Narrows Reservoir 15 to 20 feet in December 2003.


APGI-Yadkin and the Fish and Aquatics Issue Advisory Group (IAG) are in the process of analyzing the effects of low water levels on aquatic habitats in the drawdown zones of the Project's reservoirs.  In order to accomplish this study effectively and minimize possible effects on environmental resources and recreational use of the Reservoir, APGI-Yadkin has requested to drawdown Narrows in December.


"This study will provide the type of information needed to make informed decisions about the future operations of the Yadkin Project," said Gene Ellis, APGI-Yadkin's environmental and natural resources manager.  "We are working with many local stake-holders and agencies to coordinate this drawdown."


Under APGI-Yadkin's current operations, Narrows Reservoir usually fluctuates one to two feet in depth.  Since Narrows has additional storage that may be utilized when needed to offset some of the drawdown of High Rock Reservoir, APGI-Yadkin is studying the effects of decreased water levels on Narrows Reservoir specifically. 


Since the planned December drawdown will be outside the drawdown schedule in Yadkin’s FERC approved operating guides, APGI-Yadkin is required by FERC to consult with resource agencies and request prior approval from FERC.  If FERC approves the drawdown, APGI-Yadkin will alert the general public, pier permittees, and others of the planned drawdown through local newspapers, letters, and its Web site.


For additional information on reservoir water levels, including hourly updates and one-day water level predictions, go to APGI-Yadkin's Web site at or call APGI-Yadkin's toll-free number at 888-886-1063.


Alcoa Power Generating Inc. owns the land below the waters and the water rights of High Rock, Tuckertown, Narrows and Falls reservoirs and much of their shorelines.  Yadkin is responsible for operating the Yadkin Project, including the four reservoirs, dams and powerhouses along a 38-mile stretch of the Yadkin River , that supports Alcoa’s Badin Works ingot casting plant in Badin , N.C.   The Yadkin Project, known as Yadkin Project No. 2197, is licensed by FERC under the Federal Power Act.


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